Get Excited For Cubicles
Since many of us are in our last days as undergrads and we will soon find ourselves in a small cubicle that will be our workplace home. I found this kind of shorter article about some of the do's and don'ts of cubicle etiquette. I think that most of the advice is legitimate, although I think you're boss might disagree with you turning off your cell phone at work. anyway it is kind of lighter article to ease some of the mood and tension of "dead week" But it's still dealing with censorship issues and workplace privacy. Let me know if you agree or disagree with any of these guidelines
Cubicle Etiquette
Cubicle Etiquette
I think for the most part, that these steps would be beneficial. However, I find that a few are just somewhat unrealistic. As you mentioned, most people are almost unable to turn off their cell phone due to necessity with kids or other issues. Companies should not see this as a problem and should be more open-minded with it on vibrate. I also think that you should not have to worry so much about talking loudly on the phone in your cubicle. If anything, it shows others you are working hard and getting things done. All you have to do is keep it to a minimum. Overall though, I think many of these steps would be very helpful in a road to success in the cubicle world.
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