Genetic Discrimination Bill
In January of 2007, supporters pushed for a bill to bar discrimination against people because of their genetics. The bill hopes to ban health insurance companies from denying healthy person coverage or charging higher premiums on the basis of genetic predispositions. It would also prohibit employers from hiring or firing employees on the basis of genetic information. The downside of genetic discrimination is the possible loss of job or health insurance. However, some argue that for the potential of genetic technology to be truly realized, genetic testing should become common place so as the general public is accustomed to it rather than frightened by it. If a bill was passed to ban genetic discrimination, new regulations would have to be set in place. Some feel that defining what genetic discrimination is could host a new set of problems and therefore excessive lawsuits may occur. Lastly, some feel that the issue of genetic discrimination may be the Civil Rights movement of the 21st century where as others feel it is not a growing problem as there have been few suits brought regarding genetic discrimination. This poses some questions. Should health insurance companies be allowed to discriminate based on genetics? Companies often are simply looking out for their best interest to ensure survival in the market. Is it wrong for health insurance companies to do this (even if it negatively impacts others)? Will the possibilities of genetic technology never be fully utilized if not allowed in the workplace? Would the costs of implementing a bill (administrative and legal costs) outweigh the benefits? Is genetic testing a serious issue that will continue to grow worse unless addressed?
Maybe this is a naive way of thinking, but don't health insurance companies exist to help people pay for medicine in times when they are unhealthy? If a health insurance company can deny a person insurance because they may develop a disease in the future, it seems like they are just trying to avoid doing their job, which to me is just not right.
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